古典吧>英语词典>cant over翻译和用法

cant over

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  • They are forced to eat until they are dead or their bodies cant stand with this You see* the food is over its mouth.
  • Were still digging ourselves out of an economic crisis that happened largely because there wasnt strong enough oversight on Wall Street. We cant build a strong economy in America over the long-run without ending this status quo, and laying a new foundation for growth and prosperity.
  • I cant imagine the BBC referring to a single one of them as a murderous leader, or asking why history-or indeed the BBC over the years-has been so kind to them.
  • In business you cant turn over the reins to someone who doesnt know how to defend their own ideas and plans.
  • If you cant get over it, its ruined.
  • You cant feel something for them, or know exactly how their mind is processing something. You could invest every bit of your energy over the course of your entire life in an attempt to achieve this understanding, but in the end you will fall short.
  • We cant accept reservations for next Friday due to over booking.
  • Its an amazin city from an aerial p.o.v.Bit like London actually although MUCH bigger, cant get over de scale of it.
  • Youre the one person that can say Sheldon Cooper is your boyfriend. but that rings hollow if you cant lord him over others in the flesh.
  • I cant rinse my hair with a very cold water ( maybe because I prefer hot showers over cold ones) but a slightly cold water works well for me.